Run effective grassroots Electoral District Associations (EDAs) that build community and support healthy democratic engagement

About this Course

EDAs serve an important function in our democracy, providing opportunities for political parties to engage with communities, develop policy, and build their volunteer base during and in between election cycles. They are also a great way for people to get involved in the political process, build new skills and campaign knowledge, and have fun along the way.

Whether you're new to politics and wondering how you can support and get involved with a political party in your community, or a seasoned operative looking to build and strengthen your party's local presence, this course is for you. We'll show you how political parties can build grassroots EDA organizations, from recruiting volunteers, to building a pipeline of local candidates, to fundraising and community engagement.

Note: This course is made specifically for Canadian members

What You’ll Learn

  • Understand the roles and purpose of an EDA

  • How to build a grassroots EDA organization from the ground up

  • How to ensure effective EDA operations, from running productive meetings, to SMART goal setting and managing your annual planning cycle

  • How to recruit and manage volunteers to help power your EDA

  • EDA fundraising tips and best practices

  • How to recruit candidates to run in your constituency

  • How EDAs can develop policy, build relationships and engage with voters in your community

Course Breakdown


Introduction to EDA Management

Let's start with the basics. What is an EDA and what role do they play in the political process? This module will walk you through some key concepts and best practices to help you get started.


  • Building a Grassroots EDA Organization

  • EDA Operations


Volunteer Recruitment and Management

Political parties are powered by people. We'll show you how to recruit volunteers in your community, how to mobilize them for your campaign, and how to keep them engaged in between elections.


  • Recruiting Diverse Talent

  • Volunteer Engagement

  • Management Best Practices


Candidate Recruitment

Recruiting the right candidate for your party and your constituency is one of the most important responsibilities of an EDA. We'll walk you through every step of the candidate recruitment process, from understanding what makes a good candidate, to building your pipeline for future elections, to making the ask.


  • What Makes a Good Candidate

  • Building Your Candidate Pipeline

  • Running a Nominations Process


EDA Fundraising

Well-run EDAs can be fundraising powerhouses, ensuring candidates and parties have the money they need to win the next election and beyond. This module will explore the most effective tactics EDAs can use to raise money and build their war chest.


  • Creating a Budget for Your EDA

  • Developing a Fundraising Plan

  • Fundraising Events

  • Donor Stewardship


Community Outreach

Developing strong relationships with voters in your constituency, as well as community leaders and stakeholders, is an often overlooked opportunity for EDAs. We'll discuss why community outreach is so important and how EDAs can build effective outreach programs that help build party support in your constituency.


  • Community Events

  • Membership Drives

  • Voter Outreach