Tour of Our Platform
A Step-by-Step Guide
Our Goal with the Platform
Nominee’s ultimate goal is to make it easier for anyone to enter the political arena regardless of their backgrounds and level of access. To achieve this, we developed our platform to center around three main pillars: Inspire, Learn, and Connect. We believe these three pillars can most effectively activate someone from being politically curious to mounting their own campaign.
Inspire politically activated individuals to get involved
First, we want to inspire politically activated individuals to get involved. That's why we're producing engaging content every day that discusses the importance of having more diverse candidates running for office and how fulfilling it can be not just for the candidate, but for their communities as well.
Learn the inside outs of the political system
Next, we want to provide tools for all of our Nominee Members to learn about the political system. This includes tools to master the art of campaigning, becoming an elected official and understanding strategies that will help enact meaningful change into law. We hope that providing this knowledge will make it easier for a Nominee Member to reach the halls of government and navigate it once they are in.
Connect with a community of similarly politically active voices
Last but not least, we aim to connect all of our Nominee Members to our community of similarly politically active voices. We’re already bringing on several former and current elected officials in both Canada and the United States who have experienced it all and are willing to share their personal experiences with our members. This will help Nominee Members learn in ways that go beyond what we can offer through produced content on our platform. In addition, we hope to connect our Nominee Members with one another in the future. This might lead to meaningful collaborations for even bigger and more successful efforts.
Facilitating a More Representative Future
Ultimately, we hope the Nominee Platform will facilitate the creation of a more engaged and informed electorate that is not only better equipped to shape the future of our countries—but also better represents our countries.